Northlands Invitational Homing Club

We are located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

History of the Northlands Invitational Homing Club

The Northlands Invitational Homing Club was founded in 2005 by 11 founding members. Most of the meetings in 2005 were held at Ken Bliss's home. The first racing season we basketed in Konrad Grosskopf's garage. In 2006 we moved to the King Edward Community Hall. We helped renovate the rink shack which we use as our club house and volunteer at their casinos when they need help.

Our Executive


Jim Phelan
Club President


Fred Goodchild
Recording Secretary


Dave Stead
Club Treasurer

Executive and Standing Committees

Vice President:
Basket Chairpersons:
Driver Allocator: Jim Phelan
Release Chairperson:      Fred Goodchild
SpeedFancier: Dave Stead
Truck Chairperson:
Dave Stead

Great Links

Calgary Racing Pigeon Club
Capital City Racing Pigeon Association
Northstar Doves
Stan Gawel Lofts
American Racing Pigeon Union
Canadian Racing Pigeon Union